Ceramic cup production quality index

In order to better regulate the market, many products will look at its indicators, it is also an important reference to product quality, ceramic cup itself also has production indicators, as the manufacturer of ceramic cup win-win ceramics, here to talk about its production indicators.

Ceramic cup appearance quality is an important index of product grade division, China’s current product standards will be divided into excellent products, first-class products, qualified products 3 categories. Superior products are equivalent to the international advanced level, first-class products for the domestic advanced level, qualified products for the domestic general level. The appearance quality of excellent products basically meets the requirements of “five without small”, that is, no spots, no slag, colorless dirty, no pinholes, no enamel scratches, and small deformation. If there are spots on the product, it will always give people an unclean feeling, which affects the appetite.


Ceramic cup first-class products and qualified products are allowed to have defects, which are more relaxed than superior products. Thermal stability means that the product does not crack or break in the heat and cold exchange. Thermal stability can reflect the service life of ceramic products, the greater the temperature difference between cold and heat exchange, the longer its service life. The standard generally stipulates that it is heated to 180 ° C and then put into 20 ° C water, take out to observe whether there is damage, and there is no damage at this temperature, and its service life can generally reach more than 2-3 years.


Post time: Jul-26-2023


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